Blue Mahoe
- Also Known As : Blue wood (or incorrectly as blue
- Scientific Name: Hibiscus elata
- Source: Cuba, Jamaica and Puerto
- Color: Slate Gray, Blue Gray, Grey, blue green,
Purplish gray
- Pattern: Strait,
Wavy, Varied Patterns
- Similar to: na
- Uses: Furniture, decorative boxes, musical instruments,
guitars, detail work
Blue Mahoe is the national tree of Jamaica and get its name
from the blue-green colors in the wood. The wood can also
be found in Cuba and more recently in Puerto Rico and the
southern tip of Florida. The heartwood is a blue gray,
blue green, deep purple, to metal gray color, while the
sapwood can be white creme or pale brown is
color. The colors can vary greatly in one piece of wood,
especially where the heartwood meets the
sapwood, providing a striking appearance.
This wood is mostly used in decorative projects such as
inlay, fine furniture, sculpture and wood turning. Exotic
wood artists often choose blue mahoe for turnings and for
scultures due to the striking variations in color that Blue
Mahoe posessesses. Blue Mahoe is also used widely as
a wood for pen turning and for game boards due to its unique
coloring. Additionally it is used as a guitar wood for
its tonal properties
The inner bark of Blue Mahoe has been used in Cuba for tying
bundles of cigars and is harvested for more traditional uses
like cabinetry.
Blue Mahoe can vary greatly even within a specific tree so that
it creates a wonderful artisitic effect.